*** UPDATE MAY 2022 ***
*** Members can now cross train at all Nolabjj gyms ***
*** Visitors Welcome! ***
Here are a few of the policies we put in place to keep our members & community healthy at the start of the covid pandemic.
Member / Program Separation
All Members are asked to train in only one of our programs (kickboxing or BJJ) and at only one of our facilities. *Restriction Lifted May 2021*
15 minute breaks / cleaning time separate all of our classes, reducing contact between groups.
Parents - No Spectating for now, please wait in your vehicle for your child.
Stopping Asymptomatic Spread
Please stay out & let us know If you’re feeling at all unwell or if you think you have been around someone who was sick.
if one of our members tests positive for covid:
We will alert our members (omitting the individual’s name)
Classes & programs will be suspended for up to 14 days as appropriate to ensure we don’t contribute to asymptomatic spread. *Lifted February 2022*
If this happens & you need to pause your account, just ask. We will always pause accounts, no questions asked.
New Members and Visitors
New students welcome, but no visitors from other gyms at this time. *Restriction Lifted May 2022*
Please remember to wear your mask when entering our facility. *Restriction Lifted May 2021*